[Archers] Fletchers' at Kingdom Archery Championship

Garth G. Groff ggg9y at virginia.edu
Tue Apr 6 06:15:10 PDT 2010

Noble friends of the arrow,

Lord Calvert of Gidihall, marshal in charge of the Kingdom Archery 
Champion shoot on 8 May, has graciously offered to have us set up a 
table during the event. This is a great opportunity to show off some of 
our work, answer questions, and get to know one another.

Lady Sarah and I probably won't be able stay the whole day. I have a 24 
x 60 table I could bring, but we would have to take it with us early in 
the afternoon. Is there anyone among us that plans to stay for the 
entire event who can bring a small folding table? I will be pleased to 
sit at the table part of the day, but it would be great if some other 
fletchers could take a turn. We could, of course, leave it unattended 
during shooting with just a sign. I'm told that there actually won't be 
a real break for lunch.

I do hope all the fletchers will bring one of their most interesting 
arrows to display.

Comments, comments?

At your service, and the service of Atlantian archery,

Lord Mungo Napier, Shire of Isenfir Archery Marshal

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