[Archers] Target Archery Marshals Class

Ignacio teatimemates at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 6 20:42:06 PST 2003

Fellow Marshals, one and all

As you probably noticed, from the Atlantian list, that Barre FitzRobert of
York has managed to sneak in a target archery marshals class at the upcoming
University next month.

If you need it and are at University. . . . . .

If you don't know if you need it -
http://archery.atlantia.sca.org/warranted_marshals_main.html displays all
the marshals that are suspended from a lack of a marshals class. Remember,
if you are suspended you cannot conduct an event or a practice.

Barre will get the list to me soon after University. And life happens. so
give me a little while to get the list updated.

The marshals that have a year or more to go on their class, please do not
attend and leave the way open for those that really need it.

Remember, any regional marshal can give the class anytime anyplace. Just
give them time to prepare. And if you attend a class and do not see a status
change for you, let me know yourself. Life also happens for the regional

Also try to remember (this I will forget to do easier than anyone else),
when you get your SCA membership renewed - go to the Atlantian page and fill
in the membership renewed form. (One more inconvenience to keep up with.)

(Sorry Barre, but this might help flood you class (I hope). More people to
harass you while you are up front (sorry).)



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