[Archers] Too Many Scores

James Kriebel James at Kriebel.com
Thu Jun 6 06:11:49 PDT 2002

Greetings All,

As an archer I'd like to be able to see my scores over
time, so I would be against only keeping so
many scores per archer,  I would much rather see all of
my scores that have been submitted to the
scorekeeper,  at least until the database screams for
mercy, which should be several years down
the road.

As for limiting the number of scores to submit in a
given day, this does make sense in that any more
than three per bow type in a day doesn't do your
average any good, and any trends in my shooting
are going to be seen over several days not with in one
day since we don't record the time the score
was shot.  Not to mention making life a little easier
on the Scorekeeper, and extending the length of
time before we will be forced to start dumping old
scores out of the database.

I guess that means I am in favor of limiting, either by
rules or by courtesy, the number of scores
submitted in a day to 3 per archer, per bow type.

My $0.02

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