[Archers] IKAC Finals?

Lawrence.Castell at trw.com Lawrence.Castell at trw.com
Wed Dec 4 04:25:54 PST 2002

The IKAC pages have been updated as of November 27. The official closing date is December 1.  That leaves four days that for a possible change in status.

So pass the word along of the below results (they will also be in the next acorn). The kingdom made second place in both Crossbow divisions and fifth place in the Open division. Good work!!

And good work to all the archers from the highest to the lowest scoring participants, we made a noticeable mark stating that Atlantia is well worth keeping an eye on. We have a lot of good archers and a lot of up-and-coming archers.

Ignacio (KAM)
Honor, Valor, Knowledge, and Service

Period Crossbow 
Midrealm = 322.6

Atlantia = 300 *** Second place
  Mika Longbow = 338
  Siegfried Sebastian Faust = 312
  Gregge the Archer = 250

Open Crossbow
Midrealm = 322.6

Atlantia = 277.6 *** second place
  Mika Longbow = 311
  Siegfried Sebastian Faust = 284
  Karl Helweg = 238

Open Division
East = 304
An Tir = 287.3
West = 249.3
Outlands = 248

Atlantia = 239.3 **** Fifth place
  Ignacio Erensaurlezelasgarria = 262
  Mika Longbow = 231
  Gregge the Archer = 225
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