[Archers] one more voting point

Jerry N. Alexandratos alexandr at ncifcrf.gov
Tue Apr 30 12:31:19 PDT 2002

Greetings all,
	Two more voting points.  Why rule out elevation marks on the bow
or tied nock point markers on the bowstring?  That is more a matter of
personal choice than an "unfair advantage".  Mercury or weights hidden in
the bow is unfair (as well an non-period).  A small pencil mark or little
bit of string right out in the open just might encourage other archers to
use the same type of helpful hint.  If anyone does not, that's simply a
personal preference.
	As far as being period or not, come on, this isn't high tech.
Little stuff like this occurs to people independently all the time and
just gets passed along by word of mouth.  Or is anyone saying your
ancestors were so dumb they couldn't do the same things to their bows with
string and pencil as we do with, umm, string and pencil?  If so, then one
of my more entrepreneurial ancestors has a bridge he'd love to sell to one
of your ancestors.


Jerry Alexandratos, Technical Laboratory Manager,   alexandr at ncifcrf.gov
Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory.          tel# 301-846-5335

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