[Atlantia-Announce] An announcement from the Kingdom Seneschal

Atlantian Seneschal seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
Thu Jun 11 09:46:15 PDT 2020

Greetings unto the Populace of Atlantia,

Their Majesties have eloquently expressed their thoughts regarding the
issues facing us as an organization and a Kingdom and I am wholly in
agreement with their sentiments.  I have taken an oath to support our
Kingdom and their Majesties as a Great Officer of State. As a Peer of
Atlantia, I am equally proud to have Anton and Luned to lead us in these
anxious times. I am committed to progress and inclusion.  My officers  and
I are here to hear your voices and to support our Kingdom.

Our SCA community needs each of us to treat one another with respect and to
be conscious online and through our communications of how we choose to act.
I will support their Majesties in resolving issues that arise, and ask that
each person reading this missive take the time to review the SCA policies
on bullying, hate speech, and doxing.

This weekend I will be taking the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
class at University offered by the Society DEI officer. Following this, I
plan to seek a DEI officer for the Kingdom. I know that many of you are
already working to support this effort in our community.  Please see the
July Acorn for other opportunities to serve our Kingdom.

I will continue to share information from corporate with our seneschals and
officers, and that information will be passed on locally.

Together we are a community built on our different interests and shared
ideals such as courtesy, honor, and compassion. We must respect each other
and appreciate that diversity.  Every step forward is another step in the
right direction, strengthening us as individuals, a Kingdom, and a Society.

Duchess Simone de Barjavel

Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
410-290-3961 NLT 10 pm

*“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you
plant.”Robert Louis Stevenson*
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