[Atlantia-Announce] KASF 2020

Bessenyei Rozsa mistressrozsa at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 05:48:29 PST 2020

Good morning from the autocrat of KASF! I have been out of the country for
the past week and have come home to innumerable FB notifications. I am not
going to be able to go through all of them. If you have a question
regarding KASF, please email me directly at MistressRozsa at gmail.com. I have
been going through my emails and IM's and I think I have gotten to all of
them. If you have reached out to me and not gotten a response, please email
me again with KASF in the subject line.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reserve display space.
While we appear to have exceeded the space set aside (40 spaces), we are
going to try to accommodate all of the entries. If you have reserved and
are not going to make it, please let us know.

If you are attending and like to pass out tokens, stock up! We have 40+
displays and innumerable competition entries. Lots and lots of projects to
ooh and ahh over!

*Mesternö** Bessenyei Rozsa, OP*
*Kingdom A&S Guild Liaison *
*KASF 2020, Event Steward *https://raerosado.wixsite.com/kasf2020
*Rachel Rosado*
*mistressrozsa at gmail.com <mistressrozsa at gmail.com> *

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