[Atlantia-Announce] KASF 2020

Bessenyei Rozsa mistressrozsa at gmail.com
Thu May 30 06:12:25 PDT 2019

I am starting to get information up about KASF 2020 so that the artisans
can see what all is already being planned and start working on their
beauties. There is still plenty more information to come along with more
detailed information on many of the items already up.

A Facebook event page will be forthcoming shortly, however all information
for the event will be on the website for easy reference.

If you are one of the gentles that is typically in charge of a certain area
for the event, please check the website, let me know what
information/additional information may need to be posted. I prefer contact
via email: mistressrozsa at gmail.com

If you would like to assist with the event, please let me know. There will
be plenty of opportunities.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!



*Mesternö** Bessenyei Rozsa, OP*

*Kingdom A&S Guild Liaison *
*Rachel Rosado*
*mistressrozsa at gmail.com <mistressrozsa at gmail.com> *
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