Jessica Maxson jessica at maxson.com
Mon Sep 19 18:46:30 PDT 2005

OK, that makes sense now. Thanks for the clarification.


>   Hi Giuliana,
>   Sorry it wasn't clear that anyone who does not
>   receive a polling, but wants to send in there
>   comments should do so to their Majesties. However,
>   then I would like them to tell me that they did not
>   receive a polling letter, so that I can investigate
>   why not. Some people don't live in our zipcode but
>   do play with us. Some have had their memberships
>   suspended due to mail bounce back. I just want to
>   make sure that everyone is included in the polling
>   that wants to be included and that nothing weird is
>   going on with their membership. :)
>   Sorry the e-mail was so confusing.
>   YIS,
>   Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
>   Seneschal, Ponte Alto

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