Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 20 09:28:30 PDT 2005

Greetings Effingham,
Hey! :) I chose Maria-Therese cause I like it. Not cause it was period or french. SCA heraldry has it as Marie-Thèrése Normand with all the little accents on it. I just choose to write it Maria-Therese de Normand. 
Oh and for those of you that don't know my registered name with the college of heralds is Marie-Thèrése Normand. But I choose to use de and Maria because when I submitted the name they said I could, write it however I wanted but it wouldn't pass that way because of a household out West. :) So even though I use Lady Maria-Therese de Normand, SCA legal has it as Lady Marie-Thèrése Normand
Lady Marie-Thèrése Normand
Anthony Bryant <anthony_bryant at cox.net> wrote: 
Mary Bowles wrote:

> Thanks Agnes,
> Me to. Maria-Therese just kind of flows of the tounge. I hope I 
> spelled tounge right. :)


"Maria" is the Italian and Iberian form of the name, while "Therese" is 
the French form... The onomastics herald in me wants to suggest picking 
France ("Marie-Therese") or Spain ("Maria-Teresa").

Just offerin'. (Oh, and it's "tongue.")


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